Central Biosample Register (DZIF-ZBR)

Biobanks store biological samples such as human tissue, blood and DNA. These samples and the corresponding medical data are of particular value for translational research at the DZIF. They can be used to uncover disease causes in infection research and develop new preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic methods.

In order to utilise the biomaterials from the individual decentralised DZIF storage locations for research purposes, the "Biobanking" unit at the Helmholtz Zentrum München conducts the Central Biosample Register (DZIF-ZBR). The ZBR merges the biomaterial data from the local systems and consolidates the data from the various sites and studies, making it a valuable data harmonisation tool. By providing the DZIF scientists an overview of the collected biomaterials and associated data via individual search queries, the ZBR thus offers an effective instrument for project planning using biomaterials.

Tanks für Bioproben
Consistently high quality of biospecimens is essential for translational research. © HMGU/Kühn