Serohub is a project of the LEOSS.survey-platform to accelerate research about the seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2. Link to Serohub |
The Lean European Open Survey on SARS-CoV2 (LEOSS) is a prospective European multi-center cohort study, to get more in-depth knowledge about the epidemiology and clinical course of patients infected with SARS-CoV2.
The goal is to establish a quick and simple register that allows anonymous documentation of patients. The study will allow retrospective inclusion of patients treated before the initiation of the study. Link to LEOSS |
The main objective of the multilocal and serial prevalence study on antibodies against (respiratory) infectious diseases in Germany (MuSPAD) is to gain a deeper understanding of the impact of different testing strategies on the prevalence and disease burden of respiratory infections. Link to MuSPAD |
SORMAS (Surveillance Outbreak Response Management & Analysis System) is a platform for global disease surveillance. It provides a comprehensive digital infrastructure for timely disease management and control measures. With SORMAS, health authorities can quickly verify disease cases and track outbreaks, ensuring timely and effective response. Link to SORMAS |
European Covid-19 Forecast Hub
The main aim of the European Covid-19 Forecast Hub is to provide decision makers and the general public with reliable information about the near-term future trajectory of the pandemic. This is achieved by collating forecasts from different models into an ensemble, an approach that has in the past proven to provide consistently better performance than any individual modelling approach. Link to European Covid-19 Forecast Hub |
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